Tyrese is known around the world as an author, a singer and for his work in films such as Baby Boy and the Fast and the Furious series, but his self-proclaimed most important job he’ll ever have is that of a father. In celebration of Father’s Day, Tyrese took to his blog to express his feelings about being a dad:
On this day, we as fathers are celebrated around the world…
I am more than just a man.. I am a father.
A boy is excited about the opportunity to be a dad.
A father is more focused on the “Responsibility” of being a father.
As a father it is a responsibility to create the standards in our kids’ lives, I am not just semen. I love you, and you love me and in our family we created “we” in our children…
I am power, I am intelligence, I am education, I am integrity, I am God fearing spirituality, I am consistent…
As a father, sometimes I have to be away. I am constantly in the field hunting for my family’s survival.
I am king therefore you are my queen. President Obama has created a new standard and removed every excuse a black man could ever have of NOT being a father…
I am more than I appear to be, I am more than just a man.
Fathers… Even though it seems like your effort is sometimes overlooked, God is watching and he knows your heart.
To all of the REAL FATHERS around the world..
Through good, bad or ugly relationships with the mother…
If you are NOT there for your kids, it is ONLY the kids that suffer in the end.
Take a stand and do any means necessary to be a part of your kids lives.
God knows your heart… God bless all FATHERS around the WORLD for Father’s Day!