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Nov 22, 2010

Stomp Out Bullying

I am just so fucken annoyed. People can really be so ignorant. There are kids dieing because of bullying and you are telling me that they are week for letting other get to them. You are telling me that they are the ignorant one, no honey, you guys are. This really is pissing me off to the extreme. What pisses me more off is that they are older kids bugging small ones. I really wanted to just shake the dam parents and through them off their senses and tell them "do you see what your fucken kid is doing?Do you see it? or would you see it when the kid kills themselves and your kids is feeling guilty. Will you be proud then" I believe I am a person full of morals & when you come to me and say that I'm full of it cuz of what I believe you can then kiss my ass. I have morals, and they are mine and if you don't like it then oh well. I am me and you are you. We can't completely stop it but we can help. Help someone in need. Tell them that everything will be fine.

For the kids being bullied: It will be alright, just stay strong. Just know that there is people that do love you. That does who bug you just do it because they lack love and support from those they love. Just ignore them. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

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