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Sep 23, 2010

5Things Important To The Guy You Date

Be Reliable
A man admires a woman when he can rest assured that if she said it, it will be. An example of what not to do would be if a guy asks you to pick him up from the airport on Sunday afternoon and you hit him up on Sunday and say, “Would you mind catching a cab? I was trying to go to brunch with my friends.” Men like being able to depend on a woman to do what she says she will do. No one asks you to make a commitment but once you do, exhibit the ability to see it through.
Be Cool
A woman is full within her right to say, “I’m not your friend, I’m your girlfriend.” That’s fair game. So that’s not what I mean by “cool.” I’m talking about keeping a cool head. We will get angry and sometimes that will cause us to act out of character, but it’s important to men to see that you will not erupt in anger whenever there is an issue. Learning how to communicate and carry yourself without showing anger and emotion really goes a long way with a guy.

Be Adventurous
When you’re a man, “can’t” shouldn’t be in your vocabulary, and when you’re a woman the same can be said for, “ain’t.” Men like when you are open to trying new things. Even if you’re uncomfortable with it, men like that you are willing to do it.

MeBaby, you want to go whitewater rafting?
HerI ain’t going no whitewater rafting, my hair, fool! [BBM Talk To the Hand Face]
Her I’ve heard it’s fun, I’d definitely like to go. I just have to figure out what to do with my hair. Do you know any other Black girls who have gone? [BBM Dancing Face]

Be Motivational
Recently, a good friend of mine got married to his girlfriend of what I want to say was five years. When I asked him why he did it, he said, “Because she inspires me to be better.” Men love this quality in a woman. We know that we can do better, but we don’t want to hear it most of the time. Firing on us about how we could be making more money and doing more around the house isn’t productive because it won’t solve the problem. Supporting your man while he studies for the LSAT and struggles to get the practice score that he feels comfortable with, goes the furthest.

Be There
This is really easy, yet it can be so hard for a woman to understand. I’ll try my best to simplify it for you. If your man just got back in town, make it a priority to see him, moreover, take the time to ask him how his trip went and let him know you care about his life. If I’m not going out because my mother has been sick lately and I’d rather not be around people, don’t take this as an opportunity to party it up with your girlfriends. Be there for me. What I’m asking for in a partner is that you be there when it’s not fun because it’s important that you do so. Often times you find people in relationships only when they’re convenient. Some men don’t know any better, they will be at home broke and depressed or sick and shut in, while their girlfriend is out and about. The difference between the girl I’m dating and someone I’m looking to have a meaningful relationship with is that they are there for me all the time. The term, “She holds me down” didn’t come from thin air.

In conclusion, I didn’t want to give you the stereotypical answers for what’s important to men. I’m trying to explain to the female gender what this ambiguous thing called, “It” is when it comes to women. There’s several things that will tell you how to get or keep a man, but these are the things they won’t tell you. These are the five things that your bust size, hip size, or eye color can’t do for your relationship. Do these, do them well, and it might just help you keep a man.

By:SevenTeen mag {love it}

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